Long Pool & Lennard Drive’s Hidden Gems, Collie

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Have you heard of Long Pool in Collie? We’re about to reveal one of the best-kept secrets for photogenic and relaxing river spots nestled near Ferguson Valley in Wellington National Park.

While camping at Honeymoon Pool in Wellington National Park, we ventured out to explore the nearby Lennard Drive—a scenic one-way route filled with stunning spots for picnics, swimming, and enjoying nature.

Our favourite? It was a tough choice between the serene Long Pool and the Rapids, but Long Pool won out by a smidgen due to its seclusion—perfect for those who prefer privacy while swimming

Long Pool seen through the trees with shelley stood near the steps into the water
Long Pool viewed through the trees © Lifejourney4two

🥜In a Nutshell: Lennard Drive Highlights

  • Lennard Drive: A one-way sealed road with narrow, winding sections and small parking areas. It’s not suitable for large motorhomes, caravans, or cars with trailers.
  • Main Attractions: Rapids, Big Rock, Little Rock and Long Pool, each offering unique natural features and picnic spots.
  • Other Spots: The Rapids, Big Rock, and Little Rock, each offering unique natural features and picnic spots.
  • Entry: Free entry to Wellington National Park.
  • Pets: No dogs allowed as it’s a national park.
  • Safety: The pools have deep waters, so keep a careful eye on children; also, be cautious as the rocks can be very slippery when wet.
  • Photography and Nature: Ideal for photographers and nature lovers.
  • Packing List: Essentials include towels, swimwear, picnic, camera, water, sunscreen, and fly repellent.
  • Wildlife and Flora: Seasonal wildflowers and local wildlife, such as kangaroos and echidnas, might be spotted.
  • Getting There: Take the left turn off Falcon Rd near the base of Wellington Dam. Note that the road is closed from the Wellington Dam direction, so you need to approach via Pile Road and Falcon Road.
Lennard Drive length 4.6km from Falcon Rd to lennards Track Map
Map showing Lennard Drive’s 4.6km stretch from Falcon Rd to Lennards Track.

This map shows the route from Honeymoon Pool to Lennards Drive. It’s only one way, and you need to access it from the south. On the way back, Honeymoon Pool is only a few minutes’ drive from Long Pool.

Route from Honeymoon Pool to Lennards Drive

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Video: Discover the Hidden Gems of Lennard Drive

Experience the serene beauty of Lennard Drive’s stunning spots in this quick video tour.

Discover Long Pool, Collie - The Hidden Gem on Lennard Drive, Western Australia

Explore Lennard Drive with Our Interactive Map.

Getting To Lennard Drive

Due to the closure of the Wellington Dam Bridge for replacement, access to Lennard Drive is currently only possible via Pile Road, which leads onto Falcon Road. Keep an eye out for the Lennard Drive turnoff on the left as you follow Falcon Road.

This is likely to be the case until at least mid-2026, as a new Wellington Dam Bridge is being built.

View of the Rapids deep water pool area with weeping peppermint trees all around
The calm part of the Rapids – the first stop along Lennards Drive, Collie ©lifejourney4two

Long Pool: The Ultimate Stop

Long Pool, the final stop along Lennard Drive, is a secluded oasis perfect for escaping the crowds.

Sign for Long Pool with a car parked in a small pullout beside a narrow road flanked by tall trees.
Long Pool, the final stop along Lennards Drive

The clear, deep waters are ideal for swimming, kayaking, and canoeing. A wooden deck and picnic table overlooking the pool make it a great spot to relax.

The landscape features beautiful granite outcrops, a jarrah forest, and weeping peppermint trees. It is similar to the popular Honeymoon Pool but less busy.

Unlike the bustling Honeymoon Pool, no one was there when we visited.

long Pool Picnic Table
The tranquil Long Pool and the perfect spot in the dappled shade for a picnic. ©Lifejourney4two

Insider’s Tip: We visited in February in a heat wave and the March flies were a huge pest. To help manage these, bring fly repellent, a hat with a fly net, and long pants. Spending time in the water also helps avoid them.

The nearest toilets are at Honeymoon Pool.

Long Pool Steps into the water
Long Pool ©Lifjourney4two

Other Scenic Spots on Lennard Drive

As mentioned, Long Pool isn’t the only hidden gem along Lennard Drive. We recommend exploring all four picturesque points along the drive for a complete experience.

1. Rapids

Rapids, the first stop along Lennard Drive, features a mix of swirling rapids and a peaceful picnic area beside a calmer, deeper pool of water.

The swirling rapids at Rapids along Lennard Drive
The Rapids ©Lifejourney4two

If you aren’t looking for the picnic area and deep pool area and head straight to the rapids, you could miss them. Take the turn-off path to the right on your way down, and you’ll come to a couple of wooden benched picnic tables and stone steps leading into the deep pool beside them.

Rapids swimming and picnic area ©Lifejourney4two
Calm still deep water surrounded bt trees and bordered by a bank
The Rapids’ calmer deep water area close by the picnic area ©Lifejourney4two
Rapids flowing over sloped flat granite rocks with granite boulders sticking out of water and trees either side of river
Rapids – we visited in summer, so the water flow wasn’t that strong ©Lifejourney4two

In winter, the rapids are much stronger and more impressive.

Rapids has toilet facilities, unlike all the other stops along the route.

2. Big Rock

Big Rock has a massive granite outcrop set in a tranquil environment, making it an ideal spot for relaxation and nature enjoyment. Indeed, each location along the drive offers its own unique charm, making them all worth a visit.

Big Rock with a few pull-in parking spots off the narrow one-way Lennards Drive ©Lifejourney4two

This spot features a natural water slide on the smooth granite slope along the river, sure to be a hit with kids. There are a few shallow paddling areas here, but be cautious, as the rocks can be hot when dry and very slippery when wet.

lars on the flat granite area of Big Rock along Lennard Drive
The flat areas at Big Rock make it an ideal place to set out a picnic ©Lifejourney4two

3. Little Rock

Not far from Big Rock, Little Rock offers gentler slopes and slower-moving water.

River with a few granite rocks towards the sides and surrounded by tall spindly peppermint trees
Little Rock on Lennards Drive ©Lifejourney4two
Little Rock Pool Reflections
Views at Little Rock ©Lifejourney4two
White water foam on the rapids along Lennards Drive
Rapids scenic views ©Lifejourney4two

Wildflowers and Wildlife along Lennard Drive

Lennard Drive and its surroundings are home to various wildflowers, especially vibrant during winter and spring. Look out for these delicate orchids:

  • Silky Blue Orchid (August to October)
  • Yalgorup Donkey Orchid (August to October)
  • Cowslip Orchid (July to December)
  • Little Pink Fairy Orchid (July to early October)

You may also spot local wildlife, such as:

  • Western Grey Kangaroo
  • Bush Wallabies
  • Echidnas
  • Ring-tailed Possums

For more details on the local birds, mammals, and plants found here, visit the Atlas of Living Australia.

Pathway to Long Pool
Pathway down to Long Pool ©Lifejourney4two

Packing List for a Trip to Long Pool and Lennard Drive

Here’s our meticulously crafted packing list to ensure you’re perfectly equipped for an unforgettable day at Long Pool and the scenic spots along Lennard Drive:

  • Picnic Supplies: Include snacks, lunch, and plenty of water.
  • Camera: To capture the beautiful scenery and wildlife.
  • Water: Plenty of drinking water to stay hydrated.
  • Sun Protection: Sunscreen, sunglasses, hat.
  • Fly Repellent: Essential for keeping the March flies at bay.
  • Long Pants and Long-Sleeved Shirt: For protection against flies when walking and enjoying the views. I like to wear a UPF 50 + shirt and the same for my lightweight hiking convertible pants/shorts
  • Footwear: Comfortable walking shoes for exploring and flip-flops for the water.
  • Swim Gear: Towel, Bathers/Swimwear.
  • First Aid Kit: Basic first aid supplies for any minor injuries.
  • Binoculars: For bird watching and spotting wildlife.
  • Plastic Bags: For carrying out any rubbish, as there are no bins provided.
Shelley stood on the granite plateau at Big Rock surrounded by trees and by the river
Taking in the views at Big Rock ©Lifejourney4two

Don’t Confuse with Lennard 4WD Track

Lennard Drive should not be confused with the Lennard 4WD Track, a 12km circuit for experienced off-roaders that leads to the top of Mount Lennard.

The entrance to Lennard Track, Sailors Gully and the Jump Ups 4WD Circuit is at the end of Lennard Drive, is seasonal and can only be accessed if the white gate is open.

It’s best done in summer and not in wet weather. This track is for day access only, with no overnight camping.

Interested readers can get a trail map from the Collie Visitor Centre, 156 Throssell Street, Collie.

Seasonal entrance to Lennards Track – 4WD only ©GoogleMaps

Long Pool and Lennard Drive … That’s a Wrap

Long Pool on Lennard Drive is one of those places that soothe the soul. It’s a beautiful setting that isn’t too well known. Whether you’re picnicking, swimming, or kayaking, it’s a perfect escape into nature.

Don’t forget your fly repellent, and picnic and enjoy the clear waters and picturesque views.

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Shelley, a former primary school teacher with a law degree, and her husband Lars co-own Lifejourney4two. Their adventure began in Perth, Australia, and has since taken them through Europe and Africa in motorhomes and bush campers. Shelley's travel guides combine practical advice with engaging stories, mirroring their shift from 'One Day' to 'Day One'. Together, they aim to inspire others to embark on their own travel dreams.

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