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Lifejourney4two: Road Tripping the World

Lifejourney4two Lars and shelley

Hi there, we’re Lars and Shelley,

Ever read about great places only to find out the writer’s never actually been there? That’s not us. We travel to every place we talk about – whether it’s sleeping under the stars, taking epic road trips, or house-sitting around the world.

We’re all about sharing those real, hands-on experiences with you.

From the fun to the funny and the downright unpredictable, we share it all. Stories and tips from our real-life experiences.

Want to read about authentic travel adventures that you can really trust? You’ve come to the right spot. Let’s explore the world together, starting today.

Make Your One Day … Day One

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Come along for the ride and remember — ‘Make your One Days… Day One.’ 

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