Perth to Esperance Road Trip: Ultimate Guide to WA’s Iconic Loop

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Hop in, we’re taking a road trip from Perth to Esperance!

Join us as we explore the twists and turns of Western Australia’s iconic southern loop, from the ancient grandeur of Wave Rock to the pristine shores of Esperance and lush southwest landscapes. This trip is a vibrant celebration of the great Aussie outdoors.

Having called Perth home for nearly three decades, I’ve cherished every opportunity to explore our vast backyard. This journey isn’t just another travel guide; it’s our personal adventure into well-loved trails, secret local spots, and the best insider tips.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-The-Gap-and-Natural-Bridge-Torndirrup - view of part of the lookout and the ocean in the background with a sailboat sailing by
The Gap in Albany ©Lifejourney4two

Discover the rugged Wheatbelt, the crystal-clear waters of Esperance, and the towering forests of the southwest.

Whether you’re camping or seeking quaint B&Bs, we’ll guide you to the perfect spots to rest and recharge. Photographers, get ready to capture surreal landscapes, from Wave Rock’s dramatic contours to Esperance’s squeaky-white sands.

We’ve mapped out the ultimate stops to make your journey as intriguing and seamless as possible.

Map of Perth to Esperance road trip loop with all the stops
Perth to Esperance Road Trip Loop

Perth To Esperance Road Trip Loop Map

Quick Perth To Esperance Road Trip Itinerary Overview

This overview provides a snapshot of the Perth to Esperance Loop, highlighting the key stops and attractions along the way.

Note: If you want to go straight to Esperance, the distance from Perth to Esperance, taking the shortest route, is about 700 km and takes about 7.5 to 8 hours.

Day 1: Perth to Wave Rock, Hyden

  • Travel: 462 km / 5.5 hours
  • Highlights: York, Quairading, Tin Horse Highway, Wave Rock
  • Stay: Wave Rock Caravan Park

Day 2: Wave Rock, Hyden and Surrounds

  • Highlights: Wave Rock, Wildlife Centre, The Humps, Mulkas Cave

Day 3-4: Hyden to Esperance

Day 5-6: Esperance to Albany

Day 7-8: Albany to Denmark and Walpole

  • Travel: 120 km / 1.5 hours
  • Highlights: Denmark Chocolate Co., Greens Pool, Elephant Rocks, Tree Top Walk, Circular Pool
  • Stay: Coalmine Beach Holiday Park

Day 9-10: Walpole to Pemberton

  • Travel: 128 km / 1.5 hours
  • Highlights: Conspicuous Cliff, Heartbreak Trail, Big Brook Dam, Yeagarup Dunes
  • Tours: Pemberton Half-Day Beach and Forest Eco Adventure | ⭐️ 4.9/5 | Check availability
  • Stay: Drafty’s Camp or Karri Valley Resort

Day 11: Pemberton to Nannup

Day 12-13: Nannup to Margaret River

  • Travel: 105 km / 1.25 hours
  • Highlights: Hamelin Bay, Leeuwin Estate, Margaret River Bakery, Lake Cave, Capes Raptor Centre
  • Tours:
  • Stay: Heritage Trail Lodge

Day 14: Margaret River to Mandurah or Perth

  • Travel: 205 km / 2.5 hours to Mandurah or 275 km / 3.5 hours
  • Highlights: Candy Cow, Busselton Jetty, Yalgorup NP, Lake Clifton Thrombolites
  • If you have extra time: Wellington NP, Honeymoon Pool, Gnomesville
  • Tours:
  • Stay: Mandurah Ocean Chalets

Day 15: Explore Mandurah

  • Highlights: Mandurah Giants, seafood restaurants, foreshore
  • Tours: Mandurah Dolphin Cruise | ⭐️ 4.5/5 | Check availability

The following sections will delve into the details of each suggested stop, offering insights and tips to help you make the most of your journey.

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Northcliffe Understory Art and Nature Trail ©Lifejourney4two

Perth to Esperance Road Trip Route Itinerary Suggestion

The first part of the trip takes you from Perth to Esperance via Wave Rock.


Planning a Trip to Western Australia?

Day 1: Drive Perth to Hyden (Including Wave Rock)

📍 Travel: 462 km / Driving Time: 5.5 hours

As dawn breaks over Perth, we’re already on the road, heading east. Our journey today takes us through the picturesque towns of York and Quairading. Don’t miss the whimsical Tin Horse Highway near Kulin, a delightful showcase of local humour that perfectly sets the tone for our adventure.

For a deeper dive into this route, including optional stops for those with more time, check out our Perth to Wave Rock article. It’s packed with insights on overnight stays and attractions through the Golden Outback.

Wave Rock - a huge wave shaped rock with people milling around at the base
Wave Rock, WA ©Lifejourney4two

Today’s major highlight is Wave Rock, a stunning natural formation that looms like a frozen stone wave. We camp at the nearby Wave Rock Caravan Park, perfectly positioned for an evening walk to catch the sunset draping over the rock.

We stayed the night at the Wave Rock Caravan Park. It’s the perfect place to stay for catching the golden hours at the rock.

If you’re not camping, the Hyden Hotel offers comfy beds and warm showers—a welcome luxury after a day of adventuring. A local recently told me that he had the best steak ever in the Hyden Hotel restaurant!

Day 2: Explore Wave Rock and the Area

Day 2 is all about digging deeper into what makes Wave Rock and all the things to do there so special. We revisited the rock itself, still awed by its massive curves, and then visited the local Wildlife Centre and a couple of museums. Each spot shared a piece of the story of this region, from its natural wonders to its cultural heritage.

A hike around The Humps was definitely a highlight—walking the trails and exploring Mulkas Cave felt like stepping back in time. There’s something about seeing ancient rock formations and Aboriginal rock art that really makes you think.

You can stay another night at the Wave Rock Caravan Park and enjoy the serene sunset, or you can head to a free camp at the Chicken Ranch at Varley for a more rustic experience.

Mulkas Cave near Wave Rock - a small entrance to a large cave
Mulkas Cave at The Humps, near Wave Rock WA ©Lifejourney4two

Day 3 & 4: Hyden to Esperance

📍 Travel: 382 km / Driving Time: 4 hours

Drive to Esperance, where you’ll be greeted by the stunning vistas of Australia’s southern coast. We set up camp at the Esperance Pink Lake Tourist Park, which turned out to be the perfect base for all our local adventures.

Drive the Great Ocean Drive near Esperance for great lookouts and fabulous beaches like Twilight Beach, where the turquoise waters meet the crisp white sands that so many beaches in the Esperance area are renowned for.

Twilight Beach in Esperance Turquoise ocean with large granite rocks near the shore with bushland in the foreground
Twilight Beach, Esperance ©Lifejourney4two

Explore Cape Le Grande: Hike Frenchman Peak and wander the pristine beaches such as Hellfire Bay, Thistle Cove, and the famous Lucky Bay. If you’re early enough, you might catch the kangaroos that famously lounge on these sands. Though it’s not as easy to spot them as you might think from all the photos of Lucky Bay you’ll see.

For alternative camping accommodation, consider staying at the Lucky Bay campground, famous for its crystal-clear waters and friendly kangaroos.

Lars stood on a mountain with views across Cape Le Grande to the Ocean
Lars at the top of Frenchman Peak with views across Cape Le Grande ©Lifejourney4two

🔎 Explore more: If you have more time to spend here, check out Why we think Esperance is worth visiting.

Esperance Area Optional Extras

  • Drive out to Wharton Beach and Duke of Orleans Bay for more white sand beaches without the crowds.
  • Adventure seekers might want to venture to the more remote Israelite Bay. This area offers free camping options and a peek into history at the old Telegraph Station Jetty. High Clearance 4×4 vehicles are recommended for this rugged terrain.
Israelite bay at night
Israelite Bay Sunrise ©Lifejourney4two

Day 5 & 6: Esperance to Albany

📍 Travel: 480 km / Driving Time: 5 hours

If time allows, consider a stop near Bremer Bay between February and April for orca sightings, or enjoy the wildflowers in Fitzgerald River National Park from July to October.

In Albany, we opted for the Acclaim Rose Gardens Beachside Holiday Park, a bustling spot but a great base near Emu Beach and Point. For a cosier stay, Dolphin Lodge offers apartments just a stroll from Middleton Beach.

Do not miss Little Beach, about a 40-minute drive from Albany; its stunning beauty makes it a local treasure. Next door, Waterfall Beach is another well-kept secret. We only found it thanks to a local who told us to follow him with the promise of more stunning views.

Little Beach, Albany - a white sandy beach with a couple of smooth granite rocks on the shore and surrounded by green hills
Little Beach in Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve, near Albany ©Lifejourney4two

While exploring Two Peoples Bay, listen for the Noisy Scrub bird—a rare bird found in the area. We didn’t hear any Scrub birds, but you can find out all about them in the Two Peoples Bay Info Centre. We also didn’t spot any bandicoots during our visit, but the area is known for them, so keep your eyes peeled!

Albany is famed for its beautifully preserved 19th-century architecture and is a gateway to the Anzac legacy at the National Anzac Centre, which offers a poignant glimpse into Australia’s military history.

The Historic Whaling Station is a must-visit in Albany for a glimpse into the area’s whaling history and to enjoy spectacular coastal views. Nearby Misery Beach, despite its name, is a beautiful place to unwind.

The Gap, Albany ©Lifejourney4two

After the Whaling Station, head to The Gap, where lookouts provide outstanding views of the Southern Ocean and the coast from Bald Head to West Cape Howe.

Visitors can venture onto the accessible viewing platform 40m above the surging seas, offering a thrilling and ever-changing experience from calm seas to winter storms. The platform is reached by a raised pathway that protects the delicate rock surface plants and lichens.

Camping Tip: If you are looking for some Free Camping spots, try Shelley Beach just to the west of Albany. It’s on a first-come, first-served basis, but it’s a lovely spot to pop up the tent and watch the waves.

Shelley-Beach,-Cape-Howe cars parked on sandy area by beach with green hills and ocean in background
Shelly Beach, Cape Howe, WA ©Lifejourney4two

Day 7 & 8 Albany to Denmark and Walpole

📍 Travel: 120 km / Driving Time: 1.5 hours

As we continued our journey from Albany to Denmark, we were eager to revisit and share some must-see spots. But before any of that, we stopped at the Denmark Chocolate Company for the best Iced Chocolate I’ve ever tasted!

First on our list were Madfish Bay, Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks, renowned for their stunning natural beauty and ideal swimming conditions—perfect for anyone looking to enjoy nature’s own swimming pools tucked away in Denmark.

Elephant Rocks - that look a little like a herd of elephants in the bay
Elephant Cove and the rocks that look like a herd of elephants in the bay – hence the name Elephant Rocks ©Lifejourney4two

We walked across the sand bank at Madfish Bay and swam in the cool waters of the lagoon, looking back at the bay – just beautiful!

Heading into Walpole, the fairytale feeling only grows stronger. You absolutely must experience the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk. It’s like wandering through a giant’s garden, where the towering old-growth forests make you feel minuscule and part of something grand.

Not too far from there is Circular Pool, a serene nook perfect for unwinding. The gentle waters and scenic surroundings make for some great photo opportunities.

Then there’s the awe-inspiring Giant Tingle Tree, an ancient eucalyptus that’s another interesting stop.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-Valley-of-the-Giants-Tree-Top-Walk Lars walking across the metal frame tree top walk with the tree tops around him
Tree Top Walk Walpole ©Lifejourney4two

If you’re keen on exploring the area’s vibrant ecosystem and want to meet the funniest and most engaging tour guide ever, then the WOW Wilderness EcoCruise isn’t to be missed.

For a peaceful night’s rest, we stayed at Coalmine Beach Holiday Park, tucked away in nature’s embrace—the perfect base to explore the surrounding wilderness and just unwind.

If you’ve got time, I’d highly recommend spending a few extra days in Walpole. The relaxed pace and natural beauty offer the perfect way to recharge.

Discover more about why we think Walpole is worth visiting in our article:

kangaroo in the bush
A regular visitor to our campsite in Coalmine Beach each morning ©Lifejourney4two

Day 9 & 10: Walpole to Pemberton

📍 Travel: 128 km / Driving Time: 1.5 hours

Today, we’re hitting the road from Walpole to Pemberton, a journey through some of Western Australia’s most serene landscapes. Pemberton is famed for its towering karri forests that seem to touch the sky—a true nature lover’s paradise.

One of our first stops was at Conspicuous Cliff. This spot offers more than its name suggests, with breathtaking views perfect for snapping memorable photos. The short walk here is just the right length to stretch your legs after some time in the car.

Next, we delved into the local arts scene at the Northcliffe Understory Art & Nature Trail. This outdoor gallery is something truly special, showcasing art pieces that are beautifully integrated into the natural environment. It’s a peaceful place where art and nature merge seamlessly.

_Perth-to-Esperance-Road-Trip-Northcliff-Understory-art-Trail - Shelley looking for faces in the trees, with one moulded  into a tree behind her
Northcliffe Understory Art and Nature Trail ©Lifejourney4two

We then headed to Heartbreak Trail, which you can either hike or drive —or a bit of both, as we did! We started on foot from Draftys, wandering along the river to Warren’s camp, and then drove the rest of the route the next day.

Our night was spent camping at Draftys, right on the Heartbreak Trail. The river here was the perfect spot for a refreshing swim after a day of exploring. While the facilities are basic (just drop toilets), the campsites are spacious and nestled right in the heart of nature.

Pemberton’s quiet charm and the natural beauty of its surroundings were perfect ways to end a day of adventure and art.

Heartbreak-Trail- views by the river
Warren River along the Heartbreak Trail ©Lifejourney4two

While in the Pemberton area, head out for a picnic at Big Brook Dam – a gorgeous place where I used to go with the kids when they were little. Another great thing to do with the kids – or even without kids, is to take a ride on the railway Tram through Pemberton Forests.

While in town, pop into the Wild at Heart Café. We had a delicious lunch here and can recommend it.

Huge lookout trees used to be part of the tourist trail, such as the Gloucester Tree because you could climb to the top of them. However, recently they have been closed for safety reasons. But if you’re still looking for a thrill, there is a new your new high ropes and zipline course right beside it.

If you have a 4×4, consider a trip across the huge, moving, landlocked Yeagarup Dunes. You can also just have a picnic by the Lake or camp near the dunes at Leaning Marri Camp.

sand dunes leading into a forest
Yeagarup Dunes are slowly engulfing the forest ©Lifejourney4two

Day 11 Pemberton to Nannup

📍 Travel: 77 km / Driving Time: 1 hour

After a scenic drive filled with lush landscapes, we arrived in Nannup, a town that captivates with its colourful flower displays and rich history. Nannup is one of our favourite country towns with a really nice welcoming feel.

The high street is a delightful journey through local culture, featuring a variety of produce, arts and crafts, and quaint gift shops. Don’t miss the charming tea rooms—a perfect break from browsing or a stroll along the Blackwood River.

Street in nannup showing an art and gift shops
Nannup browsing shops and Oma Chocolate Bar ©Lifejourney4two

A must-visit is the Nannup Lavender Farm Cafe. Set against a backdrop of vibrant lavender fields, the cafe offers a picturesque setting where you can enjoy homemade treats and shop for local products.

It’s the kind of place that invites you to relax and soak in the serene atmosphere. We had the lavender scones, a firm favourite, followed by a stroll in the cottage garden.

For an overnight stay, choose from cosy B&Bs like Holberry House, 200km from the centre, or venture into the bush. We chose to spend a few nights at Jarrah Glen Cabins, nestled in the woods on a farm, for that perfect retreat feel.

Mother and baby emus in the forest
The local emu family walking past our Jarrah Glen cabin ©Lifejourney4two

Close to Nannup, we explored Barrabup Pool and Workman’s Pool—both fantastic spots for a dip in fresh waters and some relaxing time away from the bustle. These areas also offer great bush camping opportunities, allowing you to fully immerse in the tranquillity of the region.

We’ve camped at Barrabup Pool, and it’s so peaceful with the odd kangaroo or two jumping through camp.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-trip-barrabup-Pool- shelley stood looking at the river surrounded by tall trees
Barrabup Pool near Nannup ©Lifejourney4two

Day 12 &13 Nannup to Margaret River

📍 Travel: 105km / Driving Time: 1 hour 15 mins

Before departing Nannup, we picked up some treats from the Nannup Family Bakery, a local favourite.

Our journey then took us onward to Margaret River, a popular destination celebrated for its premium wineries and stunning beaches. Be prepared for it to be busy, especially during peak seasons.

If you have time, stop or stay at Hamelin Bay to meet the friendly stingrays right at the water’s edge.

Before reaching Margaret River Town Centre, wine enthusiasts will appreciate visits to Leeuwin Estate and Voyager Estate, which offer tastings and tours of their picturesque vineyards. Having visited both in the past, I can attest to their beauty.

Don’t miss the magical Lake Cave, a crystal wonderland underground, the Cape Raptor Centre, if you’re a bird lover and the local surf beaches.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-trip-Cape-Raptor-Centre - an
Black Breasted Buzzard at the Capes Raptor Centre ©Lifejourney4two

In town, the Swings & Roundabouts pub is a nice place to relax. We’ve enjoyed cosy meals and hot chocolate by the log fire in the past. We love a good bakery and the Margaret River Bakery, known for its delicious treats. and the perfect stop for a quick bite.

Don’t miss the magical Lake Cave, a crystal wonderland underground, the Cape Raptor Centre, if you’re a bird lover and the local surf beaches.

Margaret River’s combination of natural beauty and gourmet experiences makes it a must-visit, but be prepared for the crowds that come with its popularity.

Redgate Beach, Margaret River ©Lifejourney4two

Day 14 Margaret River to Mandurah

📍 Travel: 205 km / Driving Time: 2.5 hours

A popular stop on the way to Busselton is Cowaramup, where you can visit the iconic Candy Cow sweet store. This quirky town also features 42 life-sized fibreglass Friesian cows and calves.

On reaching Busselton, we explored the iconic Busselton Jetty and considered a visit to the Busselton Visitor Centre for local insights.

Busselton Jetty in the background with three triangular roofs of the visitor centre painted blue and lots of seagulls on the beach in the forground
The start of the Busselton Jetty with all the locals chilling on the beach ©Lifejourney4two

If you have more time in the area, take a detour to Dunsborough, Yallingup, and Cape Naturaliste. For a real treat, stay at Bunker Bay—the perfect luxury retreat on Eagle Bay. I’ve stayed there quite a few times in the past.

Have More Time on This Perth Esperance Loop?

If you aren’t in a hurry, head inland towards Wellington National Park. If you are camping, stay at Honeymoon Pool, take a drive along Lennards Drive, and take a peek at the awesome mural on the Wellington Dam.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-trip-Big-Rock - swirling river surrounded by tall trees
Big Rock, along Lennards Drive ©Lifejourney4two

And if you enjoy quirky thingsstop at Gnomesville, where you are sure to have a chuckle or two.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-trip-Gnomesville - a row of gnomes hanging off the top of a fence
Gnomesville – a quirky stop in WA ©Lifejourney4two

Day 15 Explore Mandurah

If you only have two weeks, you could skip this step and head straight back to Perth. But Mandurah is worth a stop, especially if you enjoy sculptures. Discover the Mandurah Giants, impressive art installations scattered around the city in various poses and settings.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-trip-Mandurah-giant in a bush setting
One of the six amazing Mandurah Giants (5 in Mandurah, 1 in Subiaco Perth) ©Lifejourney4two

For an overnight stay, consider the Mandurah Ocean Chalets. We stayed there, and it was within easy walking distance of the town centre.

If you are camping, try Mandurah Caravan Park ( great for families) or, for a quieter affair, camp by the Estuary further south at Falcon in Miami Holiday Park.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-trip-Mandurah-Giant lmade of wood ooking out to sea
One of the Mandurah Giants looking out to sea. ©Lifejourney4two

If you visit in December or early January, you’ll be delighted by the annual Christmas Light Trail through Mandurah.

Perth-to-Esperance-Road-Trip-Mandurah-Christmas-Lights - a santa lit up with white christmas trees lit up on the river
Mandurah Christmas Light Trail ©Lifejourney4two

Planning Your Perth to Esperance Road Trip

Can you drive from Perth to Esperance one day?

While it’s technically possible to drive from Perth to Esperance in one day, the journey covers approximately 720 kilometres and takes about 8 hours of driving without significant stops.

However, rushing through this beautiful stretch means missing out on numerous scenic spots, charming towns, and unique attractions along the way.

For a more enjoyable experience, consider breaking up the trip with at least one overnight stay, allowing you to explore the diverse landscapes and local culture without fatigue.

Where is the best place to stop between Perth and Esperance?

The best place to stop between Perth and Esperance is Wave Rock. However, if you’re taking the south-western route to Esperance, I suggest you stop somewhere between Walpole and Albany.

Is Esperance worth the drive?

Absolutely! From our own travels, Esperance stands out with its breathtaking coastal scenery, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and pristine white sand beaches.

Esperance is home to some of the most picturesque beaches in Australia. Beyond the beaches, Esperance serves as a gateway to nearby national parks like Cape Le Grand and Cape Arid.

These parks offer incredible opportunities for hiking, bird watching, and simply soaking in the unspoiled natural beauty.

The drive might be lengthy, but the rewards are unparalleled—Esperance offers some of the most stunning views and unique experiences that Western Australia has to offer.

Read more on all the things to do in Esperance here.

nannup Town Hall and clock tower
Nannup Clock Tower ©Lifejourney4two

Perth to Esperance Road Trip … That’s a Wrap

Our road trip from Perth to Esperance showcases Western Australia’s most stunning landscapes and charming towns. From Wave Rock’s rugged beauty to Esperance’s pristine beaches and the southwest’s towering forests, every stop offers unique experiences and unforgettable memories.

As you travel through this diverse region, you’ll uncover the rich history and vibrant culture that define Western Australia. Whether marvelling at The Gap’s dramatic cliffs, tasting world-class wines in Margaret River, or walking above the treetops in Walpole, this road trip promises a journey filled with natural beauty and local charm.

Take your time, savour each moment, and embrace the unexpected discoveries along the way. The detailed sections following this overview provide tips and insights to ensure your trip is seamless and enjoyable.

Pack your bags, hit the road, and explore the wonders of Western Australia on this epic journey from Perth to Esperance. Safe travels and happy exploring!

For more information and inspiration on exploring this incredible region, visit our Western Australia page.

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Shelley, a former primary school teacher with a law degree, and her husband Lars co-own Lifejourney4two. Their adventure began in Perth, Australia, and has since taken them through Europe and Africa in motorhomes and bush campers. Shelley's travel guides combine practical advice with engaging stories, mirroring their shift from 'One Day' to 'Day One'. Together, they aim to inspire others to embark on their own travel dreams.

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