Explore South Africa

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South Africa Explore

Destinations in South Africa

▫️ Ivory Wilderness River Rock Lodge – Why Staying Here is Worth it

▫️ Klaserie Drift Safari Camp – Game Drive and Accommodation Review

▫️ 21 Things to do in Prince Albert, in the Western Cape

▫️The Incredible Lesotho Road Trip

▫️ Three Western Cape Mountain Passes: Your Road Trip Guide

▫️ Driving the Crazy Sani Pass, Lesotho to South Africa

▫️Common Birds to Spot in South Africa

▫️Rhino and Lion Park – Near Jo’Burg

▫️ Exploring Monkeyland, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

▫️ Wildlife Encounters in Klaserie Nature Reserve

▫️ An Australian’s Take on Life in the South African Bush

▫️ Why We Have to Resort to Rhino Dehorning

▫️ How to Volunteer With Monkeys in South Africa

▫️ Road Trip Through Kruger National Park, South Africa

▫️ The Privilege of Rare Pangolin Sightings in the Wild

▫️ The Animals Found in Kruger and Much of Southern Africa

▫️ The Ultimate Guide to Birds of Kruger

▫️ Common Birds Found in South Africa

▫️ The Top iSimangaliso Activities to Do

pink chested bird with blue and brown wings, blue tail and white capped head
A common sight in South Africa – the Lilac Breasted Roller ©Lifejourney4two

General South Africa

▫️Best Safari Accessories – Essentials for Your Southern African Trip

▫️Driving in South Africa: Tourist Tips and Guide

▫️ 4×4 South Africa – Top Considerations to Rent or Buy

▫️Inspirational Women Travellers we met in Africa

Exploring South Africa offers a glimpse into the vast beauty and diversity of the African continent.

🌍 For more detailed guides, travel tips, and inspirational stories from other African countries, visit our Africa Travel Guide.

Planning on Overlanding or Planning Your Own Road Trip Route?

⭐️ Download this FREE printable road trip planner to take the hassle out of planning and keeping useful info in one place.

Road trip planner with bush camper on front cover
brown arrow

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