Kjeragbolten Hike: Conquering Norway’s Iconic Mountain

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Join me as I recount the steps I took to face my fears at Kjeragbolten, providing all the details you need for hiking Kjeragbolten and lots of photos along the way.

“The moment my foot touched Kjeragbolten, time seemed to stand still. Surrounded by the vastness of the fjord below, I was paralyzed—a mix of fear, fascination, and a profound respect for nature’s raw beauty enveloped me.”

Embarking on the Kjeragbolten hike in Norway tested not just my physical endurance but also my courage head-on.

Perched 1,000 metres above the dazzling turquoise waters of Lysefjord, Kjeragbolten—a boulder wedged firmly between two cliffs—beckoned irresistibly.

Living there for over a year, we completed many of Norway’s best Hiking routes. Kjerag was the most challenging and memorable.

So, come along for a challenging, scenic journey and learn how you can climb this iconic Norwegian boulder.

Kjeragbolten Boulder and the long drop below ©Lifejourney4two
Kjeragbolten Hike, Norway

Kjeragbolten: The Logistics of the Kjerag Hike

Kjeragbolten Hike Difficulty

The Kjeragbolten hike is demanding, rated ‘red’ on Norway’s Hiking Scale, indicating a high level of difficulty and fitness required.

Hiking Details

  • Duration: Kjeragbolten hike time takes approximately 5-6 hours for a round trip.
  • Height: 1000 meters above sea level.
  • Season: It is accessible only from June to September. Early morning starts are recommended to avoid crowds and midday heat.
  • Safety: Read Visit Norway’s Kjerag Safety considerations

Getting to Kjeragbolten

Kjeragbolten is in Ryfylke, Rogaland in Western Norway. The closest city is Stavanger, about 2.5 hours away, and Kjeragbolten is a perfect stop on a road trip from Stavanger.

  • By Car: The drive from Stavanger takes about 2.5 hours without ferries. Follow the blue route on the Kjeragbolten Map for guidance.
  • By Bus: An express bus service runs from Stavanger to Kjeragbolten. Find out more about the Kjerag Express Bus.
  • Parking: Kjerag Parking at the Øygardsstølen car park costs 200 NOK.

Guided Tours

A guided tour can enhance your experience, especially for first-time visitors or those unfamiliar with the area.

What to Take

Essentials include hiking boots, warm clothing, food, water, and sunscreen.

Where to Eat

  • Kjerag Restaurant (Øygardstøl): Often called The Eagles Nest, it is located near the Kjeragbolten car park and is a convenient spot to refuel after a hike.

Further Information

This hike is officially designated as a Norwegian Scenic Hike, affirming a commitment to sustainable tourism.

Before hiking Kjeragbolten: Stay updated on trail conditions and weather via Tourist Information on Facebook or yr.no.

View down to Lysebotn Fjord on the hike ©Lifejourney4two

Kjeragbolten Map

How to Use This Map

  1. To use this interactive map effectively, click the square icon in the upper right corner to expand.
  2. A key will appear on the left, guiding you through various locations.
  3. Clicking on any site reveals detailed information about that spot.
  4. 🟦 The blue line on the map is the route from Stavanger to the start of the hike (the car park)
  5. 🟥 The red line is the Kjeragbolten hike

Planning a Trip to Norway?

The Kjeragbolten Experience

Over the years, I have steadily embraced my fear and apprehension of heights, challenging myself and reasoning out the irrational. I have also chastised myself, gotten angry, and felt woefully pathetic.

So, you can imagine I was more than curious to see how I would handle stepping out onto this boulder.

A boulder wedged between a mountain crevasse, 1,084 metres above a Norwegian Fjord. Otherwise known as Kjeragbolten, the daredevil’s rock.

Trail markers show the way to Kjeragbolten ©Lifejourney4two

Choosing to Do the Kjergabolten Hike

Lars had been busy trawling the internet for places to visit since we arrived in Norway.

One evening, he casually mentioned a couple of ‘must-do’ hikes, Kjeragbolten and Priekestolen. Fortunately, they were only about a five-hour drive from Skudeneshavn, where we lived.

Lars’ enthusiasm was palpable as he recounted the plan for the upcoming weekend. He had sourced a tent and mapped the route.

The enticing descriptions of the hikes made me move closer to peek at the laptop. It was then that I saw the photographs…and it was then that I first laid eyes on Kjeragbolten – Kjerag Rock!

Kjeragbolten Boulder wedged between two rock faces, 1000 metres above the fjord below ©Lifejourney4two

Kjeragbolten Camping Weekend

Uncharacteristically, it wasn’t until we had been driving for about three hours that I asked about the specifics of our camping trip.

The mind can do clever things, and I had done an excellent job of not thinking about that boulder.

It certainly bothered me. Had I not flicked through copious Instagram photographs showing the fearless and the brave standing upon this natural wonder?

Did I want to add my photograph to show I’d been there?

How would I feel if I couldn’t do it?

Did I even want to do it?

If I decided I didn’t want to, was that just the fear speaking for me, convincingly arguing in its favour?

I decided to push these questions to the back of my mind for a little longer.

Overnighting in a tent on our way to Kjeragbolten ©Lifejourney4two

The Scenery on Route to Kjeragbolten

The scenery on the route to Kjeragbolten was gorgeous. During the drive, we passed countless miniature islands safely encased within glistening, deep blue expanses of water.

In one small village, the houses on either side of the valley road were reminiscent of fairy-tale homes. Their grass roofs blended seamlessly with the lush, green backdrop of shrubs and trees on the valley hillside—a perfect distraction.

The scenery on the route ©Lifejourney4two

Camping Near Kjeragbolten

Eventually, we chose a camping spot by a small shimmering lake fringed with craggy rocks. It was ten o’clock at night, but the sun welcomed us into this tranquil haven.

The only sound that touched the stillness was the jingle of a sheep’s bell that wandered around us with her two skittish but inquisitive lambs.

We chose a scenic spot to camp, in between mountain peaks ©Lifejourney4two
 Befriending the locals ©Lifejourney4two

Kjeragbolten Hike – The Climb Begins

The morning came all too soon. We drove the remaining twenty minutes to Oygardsstolen, the start of the Kjerag hike.

At 1,084 metres, Kjeragbolten is the highest peak along the Lysefjord.  The famous Kjerag Rock sits at its top, a boulder wedged between two mountain faces, a legacy of the last Ice Age, some 10,000 years ago. It’s about the size of a large estate car, with a rounded rear end, positioned nose down.

The five-kilometre hike to the top involves three steep inclines and two steep declines, with an elevation change of around 600 metres. It is popular with hikers, thrill seekers, and base jumpers.

The good news? I wasn’t about to base jump, I just had to reach the top. Positive thoughts kept the fermenting fears firmly out of the way … for now.

Information board at the start of the hike ©Lifejourney4two

Kjeragbolten began its assault on our muscles early in the climb. Chains slung between poles on the sheer parts of the rock guided our way. The magnificent views over the Lysefjord and the tiny village of Lysebotn way down below were rewarding enough as we reached each peak.

We climbed over craggy rocks and hiked through lush green valleys. However, snow patches were still strewn across the undulating landscape at the end of June, stubbornly refusing to submit to the warming summer sun.

The early part of the hike, with the main carpark at Øygardstøl far below ©Lifejourney4two
Nearly there … ©Lifejourney4two
Stunning scenery on the hike ©Lifejourney4two
Between mountain peaks ©Lifejourney4two

Almost at The Top

The last two kilometres required less physical focus as the terrain evened out. Periodically, I practiced stepping on rocks, showing my mind that I could easily balance on something much smaller than the actual Kjeragbolten. My mind watched with restrained interest.

A wooden sign informed us we had 100 metres until we reached the infamous boulder. In front of us, water was cascading down a tall rock face with a beautiful, vivid rainbow arched across it.

My eyes followed along the edge…

…and there it was. Kjeragbolten, waiting at the end of a slim, snow-covered passageway, instantly recognisable, daring me to take in its wonder.

Mini waterfalls just add to that magical feel of Kjerag ©Lifejourney4two
Striding towards my arch nemesis – Kjeragbolten ©Lifejourney4two

Kjeragbolten in All Its Glory

Eager for this challenge, Lars was already heading to the rock, ready to step out for the first obligatory photo. He held the Australian flag aloft, and I captured the moment, focusing on taking a good photo.

I still had no idea what to do when approaching that boulder.

Kjeragbolten taking pride in place in this selfie! ©Lifejourney4two
The surface of Kjeragbolten is curved, making the landing area pretty small ©Lifejourney4two

I don’t remember making the decision, yet here I was, already on the narrow ledge, stepping out onto the boulder.

‘This is actually ok’.

I remember that fleeting thought as my left foot touched on Kjeragbolten.

I’d done it.

I was standing on Kjeragbolten!

…. and then it happened.

A tiny ripple at first. Barely enough to register, but within moments, it had pervaded every atom of my being. 

I couldn’t move.

‘Breathe…Focus… ‘

My heart pounded as fear reverberated through my muscles. Although still firmly fixed to the spot, my movement slowly returned, and I tentatively lifted my arm to wave the Aussie flag.

 I could hear Lars asking me to shout something for the video he was recording. I could barely smile. No words would come.

Shelley standing on Kjeragbolten - with one leg on the boulder between the rocks and one off.
One leg on and one off – the smile belies what was actually happening ©Lifejourney4two

The Aftermath

Finally, as the severe grip of fear loosened its hold, I found myself back on solid ground. Relief flooded through me. My legs shook, and my stomach churned.

This is part of the story where I wish I could tell you that there were whoops of joy, celebratory jumps and enthusiastic high-fives from stepping onto that iconic Kjerag boulder.

I wish the words elation, euphoria and triumphant were the descriptions I used for my emotion at that moment.

But no, there was none of that. As I stood there looking out across the vast, serene beauty of the fjord, I inhaled its calmness, settling myself. 

Heart pounding and relieved to step off Kjeragbolten Boulder ©Lifejourney4two
The calming vista from the plateau near the boulder ©Lifejourney4two

Kjeragbolten Conquered

The view around me was the kind that embeds itself and awakens your soul with the wonder of nature.

Moreover, the journey to Kjeragbolten itself was laden with views that could proudly grace any picture postcard. Indeed, the beauty of it all was undeniable, and my soul felt enriched and grateful.

I had done it … but now I knew at what point it was way too uncomfortable. But I had faced my fear and pushed myself to my limit.

I exist as I am, that is enough 

— Walt Whitman          

As if this hike wasn’t enough for one day, we headed to Preikestolen!

Two iconic hikes in one day? Mission Impossible? You’d think so – find out what happened on our Preikestolen Hike here.

Looking down on Kjeragbolten from above ©Lifejourney4two

Lysefjord: A Pioneer in Sustainable Tourism

Following the exhilarating journey on Kjeragbolten, it’s important to acknowledge Lysefjord’s role in leading Norway’s sustainable tourism efforts.

Since 2018, the region has gained recognition for its commitment to conservation, with both the Kjerag and Preikestolen hikes officially designated as Norwegian Scenic Hikes. This recognition is a testament to the dedication to preserving the pristine beauty of these landscapes for everyone to experience now and in the future.

Kjerag scenery ©Lifejourney4two

Kjeragbolten Hike … That’s a Wrap

We’d love to hear your own stories of facing fears while travelling. Have you hiked Kjerag? Did you stand on the boulder? Drop us a comment below!

Also please don’t hesitate to ask us anything you’d like to know about the Kjerag hike. 


CHASE THE NORTHERN LIGHTS: Experience the magic of the Aurora Borealis in the Lofoten Islands with our Northern Lights in September Guide.

TOP HIKES IN NORWAY: Our guide to the best hikes in Norway features must-try trails, including Pulpit Rock and Ryten, Torghatten, and the Queens route at Dronningruta.

VIKING HISTORY: Step back in time and learn about the Viking kings at Avaldsnes by reading our post on Avaldsnes: Norway’s Viking Kings.

PLANNING YOUR NORWEGIAN ADVENTURE: Our comprehensive itinerary, from Bergen to Trondheim and beyond, will help you organize a perfect two-week journey through Norway.

UNIQUE NORWEGIAN SIGHTS: Embark on a stunning road trip in Lofoten, explore the iconic Stave Churches, discover Utsira, an island full of street art,

Lars perched on the edge of a rock looking out on to the dark blue fjord


EUROPE ROAD TRIPS: Embark on a memorable campervan adventure across Europe, starting with our Campervanning in Europe guide.

TRAVEL TIPS FOR COUPLES: Enhance your journey with our road trip tips for couples, which are perfect for planning and enjoying your travels together.

PHOTOGRAPHY ON THE ROAD: Capture your travels beautifully with our tips on road trip photo ideas and selecting the right travel photography gear.

These resources provide a variety of insights and practical tips to help you plan your travels through Norway and beyond.

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Planning Your Travels?

These are the travel resources we recommend and use when planning our trips.

For a more thorough list, visit our Travel Resources page here.

Photo of author


Shelley, a former primary school teacher with a law degree, and her husband Lars co-own Lifejourney4two. Their adventure began in Perth, Australia, and has since taken them through Europe and Africa in motorhomes and bush campers. Shelley's travel guides combine practical advice with engaging stories, mirroring their shift from 'One Day' to 'Day One'. Together, they aim to inspire others to embark on their own travel dreams.

30 thoughts on “Kjeragbolten Hike: Conquering Norway’s Iconic Mountain”

  1. Beautiful!!! I am so delighted that the two of you are enjoying life and each other’s company!!

    • Thanks for your feedback Rachel, it’s really appreciated. So glad you enjoyed it – I think sharing these types of stories helps others look at their fears may be, and what’s holding them back.

  2. Holy crap! That thing looks terrifying! While I’d love to think I could get that dream photo, I’m absolutely certain I would wimp out!
    It does look beautiful though. I’d love to go back to Norway someday!

    • It’s pretty high up that’s for sure! Your passion and drive for the photo would get you through I think! 🙂 Norway is certainly up there in our top countries – where did you visit in Norway?

  3. Michelle, what a wonderful blog!! You’ve captured my travellers heart and adventurers spirit, this is definitely a place I would like to visit one day. Thank you. And so many congratulations on stepping out on that rock AND for recognising where your limits are – and on your terms.

  4. Thanks for comment Vicky. I didn’t feel very inspirational at the time but have since felt proud of my accomplishment! I’m glad you enjoyed the photos, Norway has beautiful and stunning scenery around every corner -as do so many places though. We are certainly lucky to be able to travel to all of these interesting and spectacular countries.

  5. C’est vraiment magnifique ! Quelles belles photos. Et quel courage Michelle ! Bravo!! Bisous à tous les 2?

  6. Wow, amazing photos and info guys. I can’t believe you stepped out onto that boulder Michelle!!! Adventurers for sure.

    • Thanks for your comment Natalie. I can’t believe I did either! That step out, that kind of happened without me thinking too much – but my senses very soon kicked in questioning what the ‘fork’ I was doing! 🙂

  7. Wow what an amazing thing to do and such a wonderful adventure! You should be so proud of yourself 🙂


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